The Most Honest Answer Ever

White Suburban Me included a lot of Gap, J.Crew and even Blue contacts. The Black Urban Me included clothes that showed off my figure, more accessories, and creative hair styling!
White Suburban Me included a lot of Gap, J.Crew and even blue contacts. The Black Urban Me included clothes that showed off my figure, more accessories, and creative hair styling!

“What are you?”

“What are you mixed with?”

“Are you a mulato?”

These are questions every biracial/multiracial/mixed person faces over and over again. Easily one of the first five questions I get personally when I meet someone new is, “What are you?” (Uh… human….)

Sometimes in an attempt to find out my race, some people will just randomly guess the race that they think I am, “Are you Hispanic?” That’s the most popular guess.  I think because of my honey-colored skin tone. (Sweet!)

Or the more politically correct crowd will say, “Where are your parents from?”  (Hmmm that’s still not gonna give them the answer I know they’re looking for….)

Sigh…The constant reminder that we have to define ourselves so other people have a box to put us in…

I want to start a series that speaks specifically to the challenges that biracial/multiracial kids/people face that are unique issues apart from our minority uni-race (real word?) counter parts.

To understand the importance of this issue to the young multi-racial people in your life please watch the following video posted just 6 months ago by vlogger ChescaLeigh. The response may surprise you.

Enjoy and be sure to follow up  for the next post on these issues.

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